
Subject fields in the Organic Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMUORG) is Organometallic Chemistry, Molecular Catalysis, Polymers and Structural Organic Chemistry for Materials Science. Ongoing subjects in our laboratory are (i) design of efficient molecular catalysis for precise synthesis of organic molecules as well as polymers for green and sustainable chemistry, (ii) design and synthesis of functional materials by precise synthesis. We also conduct subjects concerning (iii) synthesis and reaction chemistry of highly reactive organometallic complexes/intermediates for efficient carbon-carbon bond formation (insertion, metathesis, coupling etc.), (iv) development of efficient organometallic photo catalysts, (v) precise synthesis of π conjugated oligomers/polymers for advanced materials.

Subject fields: Organometallic Chemistry, Molecular Catalysis, Homogeneous Catalysis, Organic Synthesis by Organometallics, Organometallic Photochemistry, Materials Chemistry (Functional Polymers, Conjugated Oligomers/Polymers)